Thursday, September 22, 2011

Be Bold, Be Bald! - Nationwide Cancer Fundraiser, count me in!


I know what you're thinking - aren't you already loosing your hair? Yes, of course I am but now with a single stroke of a bald cap the act is for a good cause!

I know too many people this past year who have lost their hair due to chemo treatments, it's not much effort on my part to slap one of these bad boys on and make a statement: I'm sharing the love and admiration - Be Bold, Be Bald!

What are you doing Oct 21?

Michael Sola is a Technologist who finds solutions and can translate tech into english. He's a blogger, invited presenter and speaker, he listens - he also rarely has to show ID to walk into a pub. Follow him at or : his views and comments are his own.

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