Saturday, July 11, 2009

Who's a spammer and who's for real

I am a believer of collecting followers that matter - not using these services that advertises "get thousands of tweets in a single click" is not what I'm trying to accomplish building my twitter network.  I've had this conversation many times, it's the quality not the quantity that counts.

But there are times I get "followed" and I have to wonder . . . are they real or is it just another scam? 

Last week I attended this awesome session at USA Today about Cause Marketing.  The timing was perfect as it led into some amazing discussions I had with colleagues, co-workers and friends looking for advise and guidance in this area.  Since the conference which I tweeted about , I have had a slew of new "followers" - I have a rule about "followers" - 
  • I don't follow in return unless I like what I see posted by the follower, 
  • they have an actual avatar and not John Cussacks face - only Joe Meehan can get away with that, and preferably the avatar should not be wearing a bikini - not that there is anything wrong with that . . .
  • and they have to have something written in their bio - anything
I came across a recent follower I almost decided to follow until I saw their tweets.  Here is a sampling:
  1. Deleting a few hundred spam followers. When will they ever learn?
  2.  from web
  3. Make a living on twitter, check it out
  4.  from web
  5. Noticed there is not much swearing on Twitter... how does that work?
  6.  from web
  7. Getting ready to celebrate the Lakers wining the NBA Championship!
  8.  from web
  9. Make a living on twitter, check it out
  10.  from web
  11. Been sat working in McDonalds all day, like a lonely loner...
  12.  from web
  13. I got laid off, making money on twitter saved my life
  14.  from web
  15. too much to do so little time
  16.  from web
  17. Taking the day off today
  18.  from web
  19. Jobless, but now I am even making more money on twitter
  20.  from web
  21. Make a living on twitter, check it out
  22.  from web
  23. Thanks to all the people following me! Looking forward to your Tweets!
  24.  from web
  25. I want a sexy business man with a brain, who's single
  26.  from web
  27. Let twitter pay your bills
  28.  from web
  29. Want something stronger than tea to drink.
  30.  from web
  31. Jobless, but now I am even making more money on twitter
  32.  from
  • Posted via email from Michael's posterous

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