Sunday, April 19, 2009

Religion time . . .

Listening to Santana's Supernatural tune "Put your lights on" and the opening line :  "Hey now, all you sinners put your lights on, put your lights on . . ." got me thinking about a few passages I recently read in Seth Godin "Tribes" where Seth spoke about leaders spreading the faith.  In one sense I am about to do just that, but not via religion as much as via my change in a professional affiliation.

I am now less then 24 hours away from starting a new chapter in my life as I take on an exciting tech role with the National Wildlife Federation.  I see this opportunity as almost a religious experience, I'm serious.  

Those who know me know I tend to keep my emotions and passions close to the sleeve, I am the poster child for WYSIWYG.  Seeing the correlation was an easy leap for me.

In recent study by the Pew Research Center it was noted a third of Americans left their religion they grew up with, but what the piece failed to differentiate was the difference between religion and faith.  These people didn't loose their faith, they shopped around for something new.

Well I haven't lost my faith in wanting to be a leader for the environmental cause or to help those with a passion to connect to something which invokes emotion, I've simply found a new house to preach in! 

I know I'm far from perfect and I have a lot to learn.  However, I'm also all about putting on the lights, in fact shine them bright if you want to be heretic for positive change is how I feel about the tech industry.  Change is good, change is powerful, change is the natural order of life.  

"Faith is what you do . . . Faith is demonstrated by the actions you take."  And that is my religion!

Posted via web from Michael's posterous

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