Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Is age a factor?

I sat here staring at the blank page far too long, stuck on the title - not a good way to start writing anything.  I wanted to re post something I had written a few months back that reminds me of how the demographics impact how we connect in today's new fast paced mediums.  Something as simple as ordering a pizza may prove my point.

I am going to use my kids as an example, they are part of the Echo's generation where I am at the tale end of the baby boomers almost an X so how we approach this complex process of pizza ordering correlates to the challenges for us who are trying to engage our "tribes".

Many of us struggle to connect with existing members who won't engage in the new mediums that are out there and so we seek new markets.  Sometimes we question if the approach and connection process we use works the same across the board and I think based on this experience the process constantly needs to be questioned.  Traditional channels are being evaluated all the time and rightfully so as the comfort zones of the audience is constantly changing.  I for instance no longer get my news via RSS feeds, I use Twitter.

I think its amusing to see peoples comfort zone and how they function or respond based on the medium available to them.  Take my kids for instance, now bear with me . . . a few weeks back we lost our cable for the day while I was at work

- the world had come to a grinding halt at Casa Sola, at least as far as my kids were concerned, no cable TV, no phone, but worst, NO INTERNET.  It's OK, don't call social services - they did manage to find alternate forms of entertainment, these are after all teenagers we're talking about.

As the day progressed and I became aware of this horrifying condition I called their cell phones as the main phone was not working.  The purpose of my call was to let them know I was working late and give them the green light to eat their number one nutritional food group - Pizza.  Yes, Pizza is it's own food group at Casa Sola.

So here goes the chain of events . . .

  • "Go ahead and order a pizza for delivery and I'll be home by nine." 
  • Hang up
  • A few minutes later my phone rings, "we can't order the pizza" - "why not? " I ask . . .
  • "Dad, the Internet is down" . . . long pause, VERY long pause
  • "use the phone" I say
  • "the phone's not working" - hello????  "use your cell phone" - I respond, I was starting to feel my head pound
  • "but the number is programmed in the phone and we typically order and pay over the Internet" - the world may actual stop spinning I thought to myself
  • "it's called Information or a phone book" I say "and use your credit card" ( this is my college bound computer wiz son I'm having this conversation with, he has a credit card ) -
  • long sigh ( God forbid he actually pays for anything ) - "ok" - he finally says and I can hear it in his voice, not a happy camper. 
  • Hang up. 
  • A few minutes later - my phone rings, it's my other son, Img_2658 the freakishly tall but younger one who has now been delegated the task of ordering the pizza, I actually admired that move, my oldest son delegated . . . very nice -
  • "which Papa Johns do we use" he asks . . . longer pause on my part - "where do we live?" - I ask -
  • "oh, right and how do I pay for this because we usually use the Internet and I have no money."
  • I'm now banging my head on the desk - "there's cash in an envelope by the phone with a twenty dollar bill in it, use that" I say . . .
  • "Oh, ok - but the pizza only costs twelve what about the difference? and how do I tip him - we usually use the Internet you know."
  • . . . more banging of my head. 

How did this happen?  I wondered. Two grown boys, don't know how to call information, can't order a pizza without the use of a web site and have no clue how to ask for change or initiate a tip using cash?  What has technology done?

On one hand we have tribe members who can't or perhaps won't use the technology to engage with us and on the other hand we have those who can't function without it.   My two children who represent our future members don't know how to function without technology - interesting dynamics, ehh?

I'm thinking my title isn't half bad now . . .

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

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