Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Keeping Your Nonprofit Safe from Spam

It's not a new topic but I am always surprised when I have staff come to me and complain about how they get hit with new waves of Spam. I've been a fan of the "filter at the gate" approach, long time user of the Google filtering services called Postini provides both enterprise controls while allowing staff to manage their own mail.

And isn't that the point? We should each of us be responsible for our own mail and take responsbility for that influx of mail but so many of us just don't think it through.

My friends at Wild Apricot posted a nice piece about some simple steps you can take to reduce the chance of being labeled a "Spammer" which can cause a lot of grief.

We are in the midst of migrating from GroupWise email platform to Outlook / Exchange environment. Out cut over happens the end of the month, lots of moving parts, but the end is in sight and the planning, testing and training is paying off. Part of the process was to solicit feedback from staff via focus groups in order to gauge how staff use the current system.

One of the uses I am well aware of is staff who select the local / internal email client to circumvent the normal bulk email web distribution process and instead contact their lists via internal channels. This is a concern for many reasons, one of which is you can't put measurements on open rates, click thru or tie that interaction back to a constituents record.

But here is a concern you may not have thought of: what happens if something you send via your client side system like Outlook ends up being flagged as Spam and the organization internal email servers gets flagged as a Spammer? How is that going to fly getting blacklisted?

So while it's an old Hillstreet Blues line to use, it's relevant: "Let's be careful out there." Think, for the love all things digital please think.

Posted via web from Michael's Ramblings

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