Sunday, May 03, 2009

Totally off the hook . . .

I just thought this was a moment to share, hope I can do this story justice and at the same time protect the innocent - names have been changed and all that Dragnet stuff.

Last night I went to a birthday party for a dear friend, I'll call her "Annmarie" - she's someone who could be categorized as a "work spouse" but in this case an "ex-work spouse" since she and I roughly at the same time left our former place of employment where we had connected and became friends.  In any event it was a fun gathering of about 30 or so people along with a good showing of folks we had worked with while still at our former place of employment.  One in particular is the sweetest guys you would ever want as a friend - I'll call him "Guy" - who's specialty is always showing up with this awesome sausage loaf bread, a "Guy" family tradition!

Well being a birthday gathering, the topic of age had come up.  "Annmarie" had been careful to hide her birth year for quite sometime until our other close and dear friend ( I'll call her Red ) well "Red" spilled the beans on Facebook, of all things about "Annmarie's" birthyear being 1971 which fed into the table talk happening with the group - still with me?

So not quite 40 yet and honestly would think "Annmarie" was in her late 20's maybe early 30 as she has done a good job at the looking young thing.  Anyways, "Guy" all of a sudden got all antsy and started whispering to some our mutual friend, I'll call her "Joni" and then bee lined it to the where the birthday cards had been piled - he then sheepishly tried to take away and hide his card, we all knew at this point someone was in trouble - in typical "friend pack" mentality we ganged up on him and he reluctantly and apologetically opened the "Happy 40th" birthday card.  He was 2 years early - not something you do to a woman before it's time  . . . the horror!  He was of course forgiven and we laughed our collective asses off.

It was all in good fun and we razzed the hell out of "Guy" who confessed he wasn't sure when he picked it out but assumed because "Annmarie's" husband had just turned 40 this past summer he assumed she was 40 as well.  At this point I chimed in and I'm paraphrasing . . . "Guy, if you weren't sure then why the frak didn't you just buy a generic card?" his reply: "I  don't know" - he was totally off the hook and we loved every minute of it!

Good times, good friends, good stories - makes life good!

Posted via email from Michael's posterous

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