Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm stealing - well not really, I mean come on - look at that face?  

In the Twitter world it's called "re-tweeting" where you see a post or as it's called a "micro-blog" that someone else has written and then re-post it again under your name.  Typically you do this while keeping the original writer and their comments intact, but when you are limited to 140 characters you may have to get, well, creative.

The sin or rather crime is when you take another's tweet and adjust it too much.  I have no intention of doing any of that here.  
Instead I plan on taking various blogs entries that I have made on my old account and "tweaking" them just a bit here on this blog.   I think I can do that, especially while I am in "short timers" mode.
For one thing it will save me time, allow me to reminisce and more importantly allow me to save some of the highlights before someone at my old gig decides to erase me from the coffers of the old tech blog.

So some of what you see here has already been posted before.  I sound like a hybrid on Battlestar Galactica - so sit back, enjoy the show.

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